Vintage Reports

A quick guide to the latest vintages.




2024 Tuscany

Gioia Cresti of Carpineta Fontalpino

The 2024 harvest was truly very tiring, but fortunately full of satisfaction!

The season was rainy and mild until mid-June. After, it was hot and scorching until we saw heavy rains in the middle of August, which allowed for excellent ripening. The health of the grapes was amazing, as was the quantity, which we have not seen in years. We began harvesting in mid-September and finished last week, a very long one as we had to pause and wait a few times, but by carefully calibrating knowledge and technique, we achieved incredible results.

Daniele Zeffirini of Fuligni

The 2024 harvest was a very particular and prolonged harvest, I’d say an “old style” harvest. Summer was hot and ripening was slower than expected. The grapes were mostly harvested between the first and second week of October, also due to the bad weather and low temperatures. Despite the rain and bad weather we’ve seen over the last few weeks, the grapes were extremely healthy, with compact skins and absolutely no mold problems. I would say perfect grapes.

The 2024 vintage promises to be a good vintage with excellent color, low alcohol content, splendid acidity and good structures. The musts are already very fragrant, so all in all I would say harvest went well.




2024 Veneto

Francesca Dal Cero of Dal Cero

This year’s harvest was a bit complicated, both in Veneto and Tuscany. We had a rather cool spring and flowering suffered so production will be low. In Tuscany the summer was very dry while in Veneto we had a lot of rain.

In both regions harvest began at the beginning of September. The vintage will generally be characterized by intense aromas, lighter structure, and lots of elegance




2024 Abruzzo

Marilena Orsini of Il Feuduccio

This year harvest began in the first ten days of August. This is because summer was particularly hot and dry. But even though the grapes ripened early, the quality and freshness were safeguarded. They didn’t suffer any damage and were in great health, promising nothing short of excellent quality.

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